2 min readMar 21, 2022


Why is gratitude important for a happi life.

A simple thank you goes a long way. Who doesn't like to be recognized? Even to God, we say thank you why won't our human heart warm up when gratitude is practiced.

Gratitude from our hearts.

Why is gratitude important. If you don't have gratitude in your heart you will fail to appreciate anything happening in your life, if you fail to appreciate anything in your life to enjoy and you will succumb to disappointments and one fine day, will give up all hope in life.

. Thank you start very early in our lives.

When a child grows up it has been proven that a simple thankyou can warm the child's heart and build their self-confidence to a great extent. Be it home or work thank you has nurtured a relationship.

One has to start the day with gratitude, Thank God for us to be alive, thank for the body parts, house, food etc. This way one will have a warm heart which will give them an attitude to appreciate every little aspect of life, in turn, will lead a positive and happi life.

Start your gratitude journal today to lead a happi life.

Being happi is your choice.


Inner happiness Catalyst.




As a certified Happiness & mindfulness coach and a Reiki Master. I am on a Mission to help women live happy and productive in a busy multitasking lifestyle.