1 min readJan 20, 2022


What is your Candy ?

The power of giving has been one of the most powerful tool to satisfy one’s inner happiness. The most important thing is how much do you give.

One has to find their inner self first. Understand how much they’ve to give. we give our time, love, effort etc these are not measurable here one should give as much as they are comfortable giving and be happy.

As of making others happy than ones self, how would you measure others happiness . The measuring of happiness can only be judged for self to the fullest extent. It is somewhat like pain. You empathize with others pain but you can never measure the level of pain in others.

Likewise happiness. How many times have you acknowledged your happiness in little things. To measure this maintain a daily journal, sometimes even a correct cup of coffee can make one happy.

A child shows excitement and happiness when you give candy. Have you found what is your candy, when last did u get yourself a candy. Reading a book can be your candy, taking a mindless drive can be your candy. Identify these little things identify your candy and own you happiness.

I focus on women as we are born nurturers and tend to give more than what we have and start feeling empty inside. It’s my mission to teach women to realize when her inner light is loosing power. This is so easy once we learn to condition ourselves. Get your candy today.

Being happi is your choice


Your Inner Happiness Catalyst




As a certified Happiness & mindfulness coach and a Reiki Master. I am on a Mission to help women live happy and productive in a busy multitasking lifestyle.